Associate eligibility Health and welfare benefits Regular associates who work 20 or more hours per week are eligible for health and welfare benefits. 401(k) savings plan Regular full-time or part-time (regardless of the number of hours worked per week) associates not employed in Puerto Rico are eligible for the Veralto Corporation and Subsidiaries Savings Plan (VSP). There is not a savings plan under Veralto for associates employed in Puerto Rico. Dependent eligibility Dependents eligible for Veralto benefits coverage include: Your legal spouse (provided you and your spouse are not legally separated). Your domestic partner (and partner’s eligible dependents up to age 26). Children by birth or legal adoption and stepchildren up to age 26. Children of any age who are solely dependent on you as a result of a mental or physical disability.* Children for whom you have a legal responsibility to provide medical, dental, or vision care through a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO), divorce decree, or legal custody agreement. Definition of domestic partner For eligibility purposes, a qualified domestic partner is someone with whom you share a committed and mutually dependent relationship. Your same-sex or opposite-sex domestic partnership is registered with a state that allows for same-sex partner relationships and meets the following requirements: You are each other’s sole domestic partner and intend to remain so indefinitely; You maintain a common residence with the intent to continue to do so (or would maintain a common residence but for an assignment abroad or other employment-related, financial, or similar obstacle); The domestic partner is at least 18 years old and competent to consent to a contract; The domestic partner is unrelated to you by blood or marriage in a way that would prohibit a legal marriage in your state of residence; You and your domestic partner are not legally married or the domestic partner of anyone else; and You and your domestic partner are jointly responsible for each other’s welfare and financial obligations and can provide proof of financial interdependence. Dependent verification Approximately two weeks after you add your dependent (or mid-January if your dependent was added as part of Annual Enrollment), you’ll receive a packet from the Dependent Verification Center requesting that you provide your documents to verify that the dependent you enrolled is eligible. The completed documentation requested can be uploaded on or sent via fax or postal mail by the requested deadline. *Unless the child is eligible for Medicare coverage.